Some friendly notes about visiting…

GETTING HEREUSE THE TRAIN! Amtrak’s DownEaster service conveniently links Boston and numerous points south and comes right into downtown Freeport, a short walk away from the Harraseeket Inn.

(If you’re joining us for our Saturday site-walk, make sure you’ll be able to meet us at 10 at Wolfe’s Neck Center.)

ACCOMODATION: Walkable options in Freeport’s downtown include The Harraseekett Inn (the location of our conference) Harraseeket has a reserved block of rooms at a reduced price. Other walkalble options include The Hilton Garden Inn or B&Bs.

WALKS and SITES- more than shopping!

  • The Town of Freeport is broadening its approach to sustainability and the built environment–in fact, the town just posted a job for a sustainability coordinator. While you’re here, head down Main Street and get to know our town, its businesses and organizations!

  • Check out South Freeport Harbor, a quintessential working New England harbor.

  • Freeport Conservation Trust has multiple trails. See a map here.


The annual forum doesn’t happen without our sponsors and partners.


Our sponsors make our event happen.
Thanks to our 2024 STUDENT SPONSOR: Juniper Design + Build, GOLD SPONSORS: Revision Energy, Sash and Frame, TimberHP and Zachau Construction, our SILVER SPONSORS: 475 High Performance Building Supply, GOLogic, Huber, Mitsubishi Electric and Ventacity Systems, our BRONZE SPONSOR: Lord Building Solutions, our MEDIA PARTNER: Decor Maine, and our GALLERY PRESENTERS: Bangor Savings Bank, Boundary Works, BrightBuilt Home, HELM Construction Solutions, Performance Building Supply and SIGA.